Impress customers with your logo artwork
Turn your logo into a stunning unique piece. An eye catcher for your office like no other before
Unique and abstract artwork
Variable painting techniques and design elements transform your logo into living art.

Make your company logo inimitable

Painted logo artwork
Drag the slider to the left or right to see the original logo and the logo artwork.
You can find more paintings in our gallery

The Process
How it works
Design consulting
Your artwork is created

Unique Logo Art
About Martyn Dunn

At the age of 17, I returned to my place of birth as a backpacker and graduated a triennial study at the School of Visual Arts.
Along the way. I made a living with portraying tourists and having myself depicted for ages in large-scale paintings from classics like Da Vinci, Raffael and Holbein on british pedestrian precincts.
Being back in Northern Germany , while I was holding an everyday job for many years, my art always went along with me.
In exhibitions at home and abroad I visualized my artistry with abstract paintings, and likewise I transformed my passion into precise art with my portraits.
In 2020 I dedicated myself to painting and drawing full time as a freelancer.
With my company Logo Art I want to be creative by taking advantage of the entire spectrum of my skill.By making use of variable techniques of painting
I vitalize my artistry.

Logo Artwork
Type of painting
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Color gradients, paintsplashes and runs are used here. Your logo gets that certain look.
Industrial Look

Your Advantages
A real art painting of your brand

Highest quality
High-quality colors from Winsor & Newton.

100% handmade by Martyn Dunn
Hand drawn & exclusively for you!

Real canvas in the desired format
Recommended size: 100 cm x 120 cm. Almost all sizes are available.

Perfect for the office
Impress your customers live or in a video conference.

Tax deductible expense
The purchase price can be claimed as a tax deductible expense.

Express delivery possible
If you need your logo artwork extra fast.

High quality colors
Real canvas
In your desired format
100% Handmade
by Martyn Dunn
Drawings & Painting
More artworks from Martyn Dunn
Commissioned work for any themes are possible on request.

Frequently asked questions
What size should I choose?
Of course, it depends a lot on where the painting is going to be located later.
Small office or large conference room?
However, our recommended size of 100 cm X 120 cm already looks very impressive on the wall.
The best thing to do is to measure the spot you are planning to place your artwork and see what might be a good fit.
What is the present price of a logo artwork?
Your logo is one of a kind and so the price depends on the complexity, effort and size.
When will my painting arrive?
Due to the complex work and a high demand, we currently need about 4 weeks